Martin OOO-28 Review

I have bought this Martin guitar used for around 1.6K USD Dollars, it has been my first important purchase in the world of acoustic guitars - and I have no regrets!!

Godin 5th Avenue Archtop Direct and Mic Recording

I have bought this fantastic guitar a while ago and I absolutely love the feel, look and tone.

The price point is absolutely fair, and if you can find a used one, even better. 

Apogee MiC vs Blue Yeti - USB Microphones review

I felt the need to add an USB microphone to my gear, because the direct line recordings of my arch-top Godin 5th Avenue were not capturing the acoustic element of the sound, leaving the tracks "dead" and flat.

A/D USB converters: Apogee Jam vs Focusrite Scarlett Solo

If you need a usb converter to capture your guitar or bass sound direct, there are few options in the market, but none, in my opinion, come close to the Apogee quality.

TAXI Review: does it work? Is it worth the money?

TAXI is an independent A&R company based in US, quite popular among unsigned artists and producers.

Hype Machine and Music Blogs: how to get attention and reviews

Internet blogs can give you a good and valuable media exposure, which is almost impossible to get from established mainstream magazines and websites, if you/your band are completely unknown and without a record contract.   

Fender '65 Deluxe Reverb Reissue Review: suitable amp for home use?

After recording several tracks plugging my Strat directly into my Apogee converter, I was 99% convinced that I didn't need anymore a bulky amplifier in my apartment to get the perfect sound out of my guitar.

SoundCloud tips: how to make the most of it and get many followers and listeners

SoundCloud is really a great platform to connect with other musicians, discover new tracks, but more than anything else to increase the visibility of your profile or the band you are playing with. 

DistroKid vs CD Baby, which one is better?

In this post I will review the main services for distributing digitally your music, and getting your songs on popular services like Spotify, Apple Music and iTunes. Stores and streaming services like iTunes and Spotify don't accept your music directly, so you have to go through some third party companies. I have tried both CD Baby and DistroKid, so I will give you a good overview of the pros and cons of each one of them.

Recording: BPM, Levels

Your main goal while recording is to maintain focus and eyes on the final outcome. Believe me, it’s really easy to spend hours and hours in tweaking knobs an playing around with amp simulators and different plug-ins.