Hype Machine and Music Blogs: how to get attention and reviews

Internet blogs can give you a good and valuable media exposure, which is almost impossible to get from established mainstream magazines and websites, if you/your band are completely unknown and without a record contract.   

After one of my tracks was covered by a UK blog, the plays on SoundCloud and Spotify went up massively for several days. 

You first need to target only the blogs that are covering the specific genre of music cose to your style.
In fact it would be a complete waste of time to send a punk album to a blog which covers country music; the likelihood that they will post an entry on their blog about your work is minimal.

The easiest way to do that is to go on the Hype Machine website (a blog aggregator) and search for blogs related to your style. 

Then you'll have to go through the tedious process to visit every blog (if not all of them, at least one hundred I'd suggest) and find out how you can submit tracks to them for potential reviews.

Some of them have a SoundCloud page associated, so you can send them tracks straight away from your SoundCloud profile, and they will post them in that format on their pages (if their reviewed as suitable for the blog). 
Other will ask you to send an email with a specific file format (.wave or .mp3), including a small bio of the artist-band, pictures, website etc.

You must take a wide approach and send as many submissions as possible, but try to make the effort to make it personal, at least in the first line of the email.

Below an example of one of my songs that were covered by the blog someofitwastrue.com and therefore appeared on Hype Machine:

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